LGBTQ-GAY-PRIDE CLOTHING & GEAR - Support LGBTQ+ Owned Small Businesses Like Us! [READ MORE]
Los Angeles, California
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LGBTQ-GAY-PRIDE Clothing and Gear is an LGBTQ+ owned small business based in Southern California. We are 2 married husbands who have been proudly out and together for over 10 years.
We understand just a little about how you feel, the way you think and what you want out of life. While everyone's story is different, alongside you, we've experienced some of the same trials and tribulations. We've danced, we've cried and we've been extremely proud of our community. We've celebrated our lives with friends and mourned the loss of other friends. We try to live our lives as good people and serve our communities in the best way we can contribute. We continue to fight the battle for equality for everyone regardless of age, sex, race, national origin, gender identity or sexual orientation.
LGBTQ-GAY-PRIDE Clothing and Gear was started with the idea of making pride gear available for all colors of the LGBTQIA2S+ rainbow. We think it's important that the LGBTQ+ community be served by people who understand our community, not the big corporations looking to expand profit with their new found interest in pride month. We don't bring out the pride gear on June-1 and then takes it all down on June-30 when it's over. While we support the recognition of our community by these businesses, LGBTQ-GAY-PRIDE Clothing & Gear is here for community all year long, not just during pride month.
We stand with you every day to support all the beautiful, unique and diverse people who make up our LGBTQ+ community.
LGBTQ-GAY-PRIDE Clothing and Gear is a proud supporter of equality for everyone. We support other organizations and charities who share our values and the values of our community such as Equality California and the Human Rights Campaign. We're always open to new ways we can help enable and inspire others.
Our Mission:
To provide the LGBTQ+ community access to unique products, clothing and accessories which match all the uplifting and affirmative ways people self-identify.
Our Vision:
To enable a world where diversity and equality is embraced
Our Values:
Respect, Integrity, Inclusion & Equality
Gay Pride
Lesbian Pride
Bisexual Pride
Transgender Pride
Queer Pride
Queer BIPOC Pride
Pansexual Pride
Polysexual Pride
Aromantic Pride
Asexual Pride
Agender Pride
Nonbinary Pride
Intersex Pride
Gender Queer Pride
Gener Fluid Pride
Metagender Pride
Leather Pride
Bear Pride
Two Spirit Pride
Straight Ally Pride
17631 Ventura Blvd #250
Encino, CA 91316
(818) 208-0074